U6 Soccer Drills | Touchtight Coaching
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U6 Soccer Drills

This page displays U6 soccer drills suitable for younger players with fun and engagement at the forefront of anything we create. Fun games and social interaction are the main components, with soccer dribbling games, 1v1 games, and of course, scoring common activities for our smaller ballers


U6 Soccer Practices

Soccer drills for players aged 6 and under should continue to focus on having fun and developing basic motor skills, but may also include more structured and challenging activities. Here are some examples of soccer drills that can be coached for young players:

  1. Dribbling race: Set up a course with a series of cones or markers, with a ball at the start. Players take turns dribbling the ball around the course and back to the start as quickly as possible. This drill helps to develop dribbling skills and coordination.

  2. Passing relay: Set up a series of cones or markers in a straight line, with a ball at the start. Players take turns passing the ball to their teammates and running to the end of the line. This drill helps to develop passing skills and teamwork.

  3. Target shooting: Set up a small goal or target at one end of the field, with a ball at the other end. Players take turns attempting to score goals or hit the target from different distances. This drill helps to develop shooting skills and accuracy.

  4. 1v1 tournament: Set up a series of 1v1 challenges or mini-games, with players competing against each other in small groups. This drill helps to develop individual skills and competitiveness.

These are just a few examples of the many soccer drills that can be coached for players aged 6 and under. By focusing on having fun and developing basic skills, coaches can help young players to enjoy the game and improve their skills.

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